Supermarket App Solutions

Supermarket App

The entire retail sector has been transformed by mobile apps over the past couple of years. Especially in the last 3 years, the grocery business & companies have seen enormous growth. Not only they offer a higher degree of growth but opens up a whole new avenue to grow in for the companies.

Need groceries? No need to visit the market, but instead pick up the phone, fire up the app and order the groceries you want. And in no time, they will be delivered at your place!

Your trusted Pre-owned Super Market App

An app to provide ease and comfort to the users in shopping by providing an online platform, which let them save their time and manage efficiently in their busy lifestyle.

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World-class Projects

Problem Statement

Do you find it troublesome to leave the comfort of your house, go outside just to fetch milk because there’s nothing else to have with your morning cereals? It turned out to be too busy lifestyle to take time out for such tasks.

People need groceries but are not ‘happily’ willing to go out and get them. Now imagine you get a chance to get fresh fruits, plants, milk and all other important household products delivered at your door? Wouldn’t it be like a blessing. Well, that blessing was Martin’s product.


To create a better user experience by configuring various problems related to time, reach and availability of services 24/7 along with maintaining a secure platform.

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Target Audience

The app can be used by almost everyone, but its majority used by the working class, college students and work from home individuals.

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Technological Limitations

The Challenge

The major problems that we focused on during the development of the project were the project environment, the technological limitation and time constraints. Our client, Martin, wished us to build a grocery delivery app that people would love to use because of features like suggested purchases – where products based on their recently searched or previously purchased items would show up in their feed as grocery purchase is a recurring thing. There was little complexity for our developer, but it is nearly completed within a time frame with the aid of a senior developer.

Create the quickest solution for ordering groceries with user-friendly features and innovative features.

Develop the app with very minimal technology and functionality shared by the user.

Deliver a product of industry leading quality in a small budget

The Solution

We wanted to build an app for the users which offers them a smooth, bugfree experience which would encourage them to come back from the application to make orders, rather than going out to the market.

Thus, we listened to our Client, Martin, carefully and collected his unplanned application’s concept and have begun to examine the design of the desired grocery ordering application for their business model and target market. Our team was ready to take on the project and proposed the following market-based solutions:

We have recorded and proposed the best characteristics that can be incorporated into the business customer application.
We used the best possible tech stack for the application, which resulted in a robust, reliable & future proof set of apps.
Our team has built architecture and user interface in order to easily and conveniently add order to the menu portion.
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Design And Development

Strategy & Planning

This is the stage where we did the basic planning and strategizing of the app. All the way from concept proofing to setting up the list of features in the app was done here. He app was done here.

UI & UX Design

This is the stage where the basic design of the application got defined. This phase was important because a polished, well structured, seamless design not only helps the users navigate through the app easily but makes them come back to the app. Thus, we had to make sure we offer the customers the best design possible.

Make All The Magic Happen


Development is the stage where our engineers make all the magic happen. From the basic development planning to the final testing of the application was done here. The development process was divided into 3 major segments — the front end, APIs and the back end development of the app.


Now lastly, after a bunch of testing and iterations, the app got finally launched on the both iOS and Android stores.

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Payment Section
Customer Sign-up/Log-in
Navigation Menu
Grocery List
Stores Profile
Offer and Promo Code
Payment Mode
Rating & Review
Order History
Information of Delivery Person
Live Order Tracking
Admin Panel
Admin Log-in
Manage Customer Account
Manage Stores Account
Manage Driver Account
Push Notification
Delivery Person’s Panel
Delivery Boy Log-in
Payment Claim
Delivery History
Call To Customers
Geo Location
Top Selling Product

Technology Stack

Have a look at the technology stack we used to create a responsive and engaging home service app solution!

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Rated 4.9 of 5


Many entrepreneurs hesitate a lot when getting their app developed. But Martin was unlike any of them. He was willing to experiment, open to suggestion and was ready to put in whatever it takes to make his app a success. And in just a matter of 7 months post launch, he succeeded as he touched his 1,00,000 active users mark.

Welcome to Octalas Ireland

Why Choose Octalas?

Website & Mobile Apps Developers

Go live in no time
Cut down your expenses. Get a pre-built online meat delivery marketplace and go live within a day. No-coding needed.
Native Mobile Apps & Website
Octalas allows you to boost your meat delivery business with a native online meat ordering app and website.
Delivery Management Software
Manage all aspects of online meat delivery business from a single web or app dashboard.
Maintain your brand guidelines
Enjoy the advantages of building your own meat delivery marketplace. Customize your website and app with your brand logo, menu, and personalize your customer experience.